The Home Office has updated its information for EU nationals

The Home Office has updated its information for EU nationals –

Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of the  issues raised.

Home Office and Visa Fees to increase on 6th April 2018

Home Office and Visa Fees to increase on 6th April 2018.

Please see  schedule here.

Request for Personal Information – Updated Guidance

This could be useful when calculating absences from  the UK for the purposes of applications including those for naturalisation. 

Nationality Document Return Service introduced

This is  good  news for those who want to keep hold of their passports when they apply for British citizenship. The application must be submitted on-line rather than by post and the Applicant will then take their passport and other supporting documents to a participating local authority.

Some positive changes for Tier 4 students

Finally some concrete news for EU nationals

Last week’s Brexit negotiations have ended with  a statement from the Home Office which gives some comfort to EU nationals living in the UK. It confirms that any EU national living in the UK lawfully prior to 29th March 2019 will be able to carry on living here. So we now have the long- awaited “cut off point” for when an EU national must arrive here in order to know that he or she will be able to remain here.

The statement goes on to say that close family members will be able to join an EU national even after The UK has left the EU.

It confirms that the new “ settled status” will not be lost by leaving the UK for less than 5 years and that this status will be easy to apply for.

Those EU citizens who already hold a valid permanent residence card will not need to pay to convert their status in to the new “settled status.”

My advice remains that it is sensible to apply for confirmation of permanent residence if you are eligible  to do so. The Home Office continues to advise that it is not necessary! Confused? Please contact me for more information and for help with making an application.

Positive news for EU migrants who become British citizens

The Court of European Justice has overturned the Home Office stance that EU migrants who become British can no longer be joined by family members under European law. This has been difficult for some of those who have acquired British nationality since arriving in the UK and who have wanted their non-EU spouse to join them.  Until the ruling on 14th November those British nationals would generally have to have met the usual income threshold of at least £18,600.

For advice on this or on how to become a British national please contact me on

Extension of Worker Registration Scheme Unlawful

The Worker Registration scheme applied to the 8 eastern European countries which joined the EU back in May 2004. Nationals of those countries who came to work in the UK were expected to register under the scheme and failure to do so meant that they were regarded as  living here unlawfully. The UK’s extension of the scheme beyond the initially proposed 5 year period has meant that workers failing to register between 2009 and 2011 have been regarded as being here unlawfully and have not been able to use those years towards the 5 years’ residence  needed to acquire permanent residence.


The Court of Appeal has this month confirmed that the extension of the scheme beyond  2009 was unlawful. Nationals of the “A8” countries will be able to include as lawful residence  their time here  from  May 2009, whether or not they registered under the scheme.


For advice on applying for confirmation of permanent residence or British citizenship please contact me on