Having caused much anxiety with its 4th December announcement on a change to the financial threshold for family visas, the Government has amended its plans in a further announcement on 21st December 2023 and has published a ” Fact Sheet” – please see the link below.
The financial threshold will still increase in the ” spring ” of 2024, and we still have no clarity on what date this actually means.
However, rather than jumping straight to £38700, it will initially rise from the current £ 18,600 to £ 29,000. Later increases will take effect at as yet unknown dates, rising first to £34500 and eventually to £38700.
It’s fair to say that there remains a lot of confusion, but some welcome clarifications in yesterday’s “Fact Sheet” are:
Those people who were already granted family visas before the rise of the income threshold will not be expected to meet the higher threshold at the point of extension.
Those already granted a visa as a fiancé under current rules will not need to meet the higher threshold after marriage and when applying to switch in to spouse status.
There will no longer be an additional part to the financial threshold when children are accompanying an applicant on the family route.
We do not yet know how the cash savings alternative to meeting the route will be affected.
If you would like to discuss these changes, please e mail us on